Grab a bite - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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منتدياتَ تراتيل شاعرَ َ
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قديم 07-02-2015, 07:23 AM
ضوء القمر متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia     Female
 عضويتي » 637
 جيت فيذا » Jun 2015
 آخر حضور » يوم أمس (02:18 AM)
آبدآعاتي » 215,749
 حاليآ في » الرياض .
دولتي الحبيبه »  Saudi Arabia
جنسي  »  Female
آلقسم آلمفضل  » الاسلامي ♡
آلعمر  » 22 سنه
الحآلة آلآجتمآعية  » عزباء ♔
 التقييم » ضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond repute
مشروبك   cola
قناتك abudhabi
اشجع ithad
مَزآجِي  »  3

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افتراضي Grab a bite

Grab a bite

Meaning/Usage: To get something to eat

Explanation: "A bite" refers to food. This is a pretty literal so it is simply saying to get something to eat.

"When do you want to go Grab a bite?"
"I don't have much time, so let's Grab a quick bite."
"If you didn't have lunch yet, let's Grab a bite to eat."

A: "Did you have lunch yet?"
B: "Not yet. I'm swamped with work."
A: "You have to eventually eat so let's just Grab a bite somewhere close."

Other Common Sentences

"Let's go eat."
"Where should we have lunch today?"
"Let's have lunch together."

Grab a bite

 توقيع : ضوء القمر




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bite, grab

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