تعبير عن مدينة جدة بالانجليزي - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 04-20-2021, 03:14 AM
رحيل المشاعر متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia     Female
 عضويتي » 406
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دولتي الحبيبه »  Saudi Arabia
جنسي  »  Female
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آلعمر  » 90 سنه
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 التقييم » رحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond reputeرحيل المشاعر has a reputation beyond repute
مشروبك   danao
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مَزآجِي  »  1

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لاحـــول ولا قـوت الا بالله
سبحان الله وبحمده
استغفر الله واتوب اليه
افتراضي تعبير عن مدينة جدة بالانجليزي

pictures of the memor
تعتبر مدينة جدة من اجمل المدن الساحلية في المملكة العربية السعودية وتعدمزار للسياح من كافة انحاء العالم فاذا كنت تبحث عن معلومات عن مدينة جدع او تريد كتابة تعبير عن مدينة جدة بالانجليزي فستجد هنا كل ما يهمك.
Jeddah is a city that shines on the western coast of the Red Sea, which is considered to be the second largest city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the capital Riyadh.
It is the main gateway to the best city in the world, Makkah by receiving pilgrims by sea and air from the Jeddah seaport and Jeddah International Airport.
Between Jeddah and Makkah is only half an hour away by car.
Jeddah deserved the title of the Red Sea Bride because it was able to promote its old city to a large and sophisticated city with a remarkable economic development, which is vital in all areas of trade, service, industry and tourism.
If you travel in Jeddah, we will be surprised by its charming beauty.
The world’s tallest fountain, the Jeddah fountain, which has a height of two hundred and sixty-two meters.
It is worth stopping at the Corniche,which extends from the country’s area to the shores of the port, it is twenty-seven kilometers long.
It is the right place for family meetings and visitors on its beautiful rocky palaces and under giant palm trees.
Walking in the Corniche of Jeddah is fun when you go to the malls, hotels and restaurants that are crowded and racing to serve the visitors of the Corniche, and if we are tired of walking we stopped horse carts decorated with colorful lights to ride and enjoy the beauty of its sandy beaches, Corniche is the address of luxury in Jeddah.
The beauty is not yet over in Jeddah, it has its own markets and commercial centers.
It contains more than 300 shops and commercial centers, among which there are many beautiful carved sculptures designed by professional hands from around the world.
The number of these models is more than three hundred and sixty, And its beaches; visitors will never tire of astonishing the beauty of the statues and taking ial, will realize that Jeddah is an open museum for shopping.

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 توقيع : رحيل المشاعر


والله لو صحب الإنسانُ جبريلا لن يسلم المرء من قالَ ومن قيلا َ
قد قيل فى الله أقوالٌ مصنفة تتلى لو رتل القرآنُ ترتيلا َ
قالوا إن له ولدًا وصاحبة زورًا عليه وبهتانًا وتضليلا َ
هذا قولهمُفي.. الله خالقهم
فكيف لو قيل فينا بعض ما قيلا ..
انا زينـــــــــــــه

رد مع اقتباس
6 أعضاء قالوا شكراً لـ رحيل المشاعر على المشاركة المفيدة:
 (05-16-2021),  (04-20-2021),  (05-22-2021),  (06-01-2021),  (04-22-2021),  (04-21-2021)

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الساعة الآن 06:43 AM

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