I feared - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 11-29-2016, 07:43 AM
شموخ وايليه غير متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia     Female
 عضويتي » 146
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 حاليآ في » الرياض
دولتي الحبيبه »  Saudi Arabia
جنسي  »  Female
آلقسم آلمفضل  » الاسلامي ♡
آلعمر  » 17 سنه
الحآلة آلآجتمآعية  » عزباء ♔
 التقييم » شموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond reputeشموخ وايليه has a reputation beyond repute
مشروبك   7up
قناتك abudhabi
اشجع hilal
مَزآجِي  »  1

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افتراضي I feared

Lessons of Life

I feared being alone
Until I learned to like

I feared failure
Until I realized that I only
Fail when I don't try.

I feared success
Until I realized
That I had to try
In order to be happy
With myself.

I feared people's opinions
Until I learned that
People would have opinions
About me anyway.

I feared rejection
Until I learned to
Have faith in myself.

I feared pain
Until I learned that
it's necessary
For growth.

I feared the truth
Until I saw the
Ugliness in lies.

I feared life
Until I experienced
Its beauty .

I feared death
Until I realized that it's
Not an end, but a beginning.

I feared my destiny,
Until I realized that
I had the power to change
My life.

I feared hate
Until I saw that it
Was nothing more than

I feared love
Until it touched my heart,
Making the darkness fade
Into endless sunny days.

I feared ridicule
Until I learned how
To laugh at myself.

I feared growing old
Until I realized that
I gained wisdom every day.

I feared the future
Until I realized that
Life just kept getting

I feared the past
Until I realized that
It could no longer hurt me.

I feared the dark
Until I saw the beauty
Of the starlight.

I feared the light
Until I learned that the
Truth would give me

I feared change ,
Until I saw that
Even the most beautiful butterfly
Had to undergo a metamorphosis
Before it could fly.

I hope you like them
My regards

I feared

 توقيع : شموخ وايليه

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