الرومانسيه الانجليزيه - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 11-15-2016, 07:00 AM
فاتن غير متواجد حالياً
Bahrain     Female
 عضويتي » 795
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 حاليآ في » بداخل الأشياء الجميلة التي تتنفس ،"
دولتي الحبيبه »  Bahrain
جنسي  »  Female
آلقسم آلمفضل  » الأدبي ♡
آلعمر  » 24 سنه
الحآلة آلآجتمآعية  » مرتبط ♡
 التقييم » فاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond reputeفاتن has a reputation beyond repute
مشروبك   sprite
قناتك rotana
اشجع ithad
مَزآجِي  »  1

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افتراضي الرومانسيه الانجليزيه

الرومانسية الانجليزية

الرومانسية الانجليزية

If you hold 11 flowers

and look to the mirror

you will see the most

beautiful 12 flowers in the word


Of all the friends i ever met,

your the one i wont forget,

and if i die before u do, i'll

go to heaven and wait for u.


U r amizing so cute

so nice so sweet

u r a great body,

y voice,cute smile

kissable lips warmest


when the time comes

4 u 2 give

your heart 2 someone

make sure that u

select someone who will

never break your heart

because broken hearts have

( No Spareparts

its hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your

heart still does


**When I was born half of my soul is given to someone else; i spend all of my lives looking for our other half.**


*Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while so when you're lonely remember it's true somebody somewhere is thinking of you.


The hardest way to miss someone is when you are sitting right next to them, knowing that you can't have them.*


**A friend is someone who knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.**


The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.**


Sometimes it hurts more to smile in front of everyone than to cry all alone


Funny how we feel so much but cannot say a word, we are screaming inside but we can't be heard.


Everyone says you can only fall in love once, but thats not true, cause every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again. ..................


If in my dreams is the only place I can hold you, I want to sleep forever!


) Love isnt when you can imagine spending your life with someone; its when you cant imagine your life without that person!


When it hurts to look back, and youre too scared to look ahead, look beside you and i will be there

hgv,lhksdi hghk[gd.di

 توقيع : فاتن

2 أعضاء قالوا شكراً لـ فاتن على المشاركة المفيدة:
 (11-19-2016),  (11-16-2016)

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
فنون الرومانسية , الرومانسيه التي تنشدها المرأة , حاجة المرأه للرومانسية فاتن حَيآتُنآ الأُسَريهْ ▪● 27 10-04-2016 11:01 PM
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تعلم الانجليزيه بالصور شموخ وايليه Special Language ▪● 17 03-11-2016 10:28 PM
قصه باللغه الانجليزيه عن العصبيه طيف الامل Special Language ▪● 14 03-07-2015 09:31 AM
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الساعة الآن 08:47 AM

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