برنامج الرسم وعمل القصص المصورة مع الاضافات Clip Studio Paint EX 1.5.6 - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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الگمبيوتر و الانْترنِت ▪● ـ برامج الكمبيوتر . عالم التقنيات. برمجة الكمبيوترات . Windows Vista . ويندوز إكس بي . Windows XP . ويندوز 7 مايكروسوفت . Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows . .

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افتراضي برنامج الرسم وعمل القصص المصورة مع الاضافات Clip Studio Paint EX 1.5.6

Clip studio paint EX 1.5.6 + Materials

برنامج الرسم وعمل القصص المصورة

برنامج الرسم وعمل القصص المصورة

clip studio paint EX is a piece of software,which has acquired 1,000,000 users,with outstanding drawing performance for manga. Evolve with all the functions of ComicStudio, 1.6 million copies of which have been sold around the world.

Just like drawing by hand
High level of pen-pressure sensor and correction enable even beginners to draw smoothly. Various drawing tools, which can be customized flexibly, go with any style.

Draw good-looking lines
Lines on a vector layer can be edited and corrected easily and will never be deteriorated with a lot of modification.

Draw quickly and correctly
Users can draw along a ruler. There are affluent rulers for parallel line, saturated line, concentric circle, symmetry figure and line along perspective as well as for basic figures.

Draw difficult angles
Users can allocate 3D models with flexible angles and use them for rough sketch. Users can move 3D drawing figures intuitively and put poses to them easily.

Create as much UI as possible
Users can change screen layouts flexibly, and register to use them anytime. Drawing work will be more comfortable by using the layouts for each purpose such as “for black and whiteâ€‌ and “for color illustration.â€‌

Create for print versions
It is compatible with CMYK export to fit to printing.

Create with other software
It is compatible with import/export of Photoshop format files. Users can work with other software while maintaining a working process including layers.

Paint efficien and beatiful
Users can paint efficient and beautiful with an easy-to-use painting tool.

Export to Kindle and EPUB format
You can export files to Kindle and ePub format, standard eBook formats.

High end features
There are more features that are unique to this and otherwise exclusive for expensive software. Users can create any type of work including manga and illustration.

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 , 10

برنامج الرسم وعمل القصص المصورة







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الساعة الآن 01:25 AM

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