برنامج تجميد النظام لحماية الملفات Shadow Defender v1.4.0.629 - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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افتراضي برنامج تجميد النظام لحماية الملفات Shadow Defender v1.4.0.629

Shadow defender v1.4.0.629

برنامج تجميد النظام لحماية الملفات

برنامج تجميد النظام لحماية الملفات

Shadow defender is an easy-to-use security solution (for Windows operating systems) that protects your PC/laptop real environment against malicious activity and unwanted changes. shadow defender can run your system in a virtual environment called shadow Mode. shadow Mode redirects each system change to a virtual environment with no change to your real environment. If you experience malicious activity and/or unwanted changes, perform a reboot to restore your system back to its original state, as if nothing happened. With shadow Defender, you have the flexibility to specify which files and folders are permanently saved to the real environment. This ensures important files and folders are kept after a reboot.Try shadow defender for the most effective and easy-to-use security solution.

shadow defender Features:
1. Prevent all viruses and malware.
2. Surf the internet safely and eliminate unwanted traces.
3. Protect your privacy.
4. Eliminate system downtime and maintenance costs.
5. Reboot to restore your system back to its original state.

shadow defender Users:
1. Maintain a system free from malicious activity and unwanted changes.
2. Test software and game installations in a safe environment.
3. Protect against unwanted changes by shared users (suitable for workplaces and educational institutions).

برنامج تجميد النظام لحماية الملفات







fvkhl[ j[ld] hgk/hl gplhdm hglgthj Shadow Defender v1>4>0>629 hglgthj hgk/hl defender j[ld] fvkhl[ shadow


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