برنامج ActiveState Komodo IDE لتصميم صفحات الانترنت - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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منتدياتَ تراتيل شاعرَ َ
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العودة   منتديات تراتيل شاعر > ๑۩۞۩๑ قسم التكنلوجيا ๑۩۞ > الگمبيوتر و الانْترنِت ▪●

الگمبيوتر و الانْترنِت ▪● ـ برامج الكمبيوتر . عالم التقنيات. برمجة الكمبيوترات . Windows Vista . ويندوز إكس بي . Windows XP . ويندوز 7 مايكروسوفت . Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows . .

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افتراضي برنامج ActiveState Komodo IDE لتصميم صفحات الانترنت

ActiveState komodo IDE

برنامج ActiveState Komodo لتصميم

برنامج ActiveState Komodo لتصميم

komodo IDE is the first unified workspace for end-to-end development of dynamic web applications. A rich feature set for client-side Ajax languages such as CSS, HTML, javascript and XML, coupled with advanced support for dynamic languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby and Tcl, enables developers to quickly and easily create robust web apps. Award-winning features include comprehensive editing and debugging, plus intelligent tools for regular expressions, team development, customization and unparalleled extensibility. The result is a powerful coding environment for framework stacks like Ruby on Rails and CakePHP and client libraries such as the Yahoo! UI Library and Dojo.

So youre a Web application developer? Developing in Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby or javascript? Are you a Linux, Mac or Windows user? No matter what your choices are, the answer is ActiveStates komodo IDE, an impressive cross-platform and cross-language environment for building Web applications. And oh yeah, its a really great tool that makes working in all these languages a breeze.

Multi-language editor
Multi-language support

Advanced support for:
Browser-side technologies: CSS, HTML, javascript, and XML
Server-side languages: Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and Tcl
Web template languages: RHTML, Template-Toolkit, HTML-Smarty, and Django
Autocomplete and calltips
Write code faster and shorten the learning curve with code completion that guides you as you work
CSS, HTML, javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl, XML, and XSLT.
Schema-based XML/HTML completion
Multiple-language file support, such as CSS and javascript completion in HTML
Framework support for Rails and Zend
Support for adding third-party libraries
Interpreter version differentiation of built-in and standard library information
Multi-language file support

برنامج ActiveState Komodo لتصميم

برنامج ActiveState Komodo لتصميم





fvkhl[ ActiveState Komodo IDE 10>0>1>89237 gjwldl wtphj hghkjvkj activestate gjwldl hghkjvkj fvkhl[ p`e komodo wtphj


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الساعة الآن 04:02 AM

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