05-19-2016, 02:55 PM
تطبيق التلاعب بالأصوات Voice Changer Premium v1.4.16 APK للأندرويد
Voice changer premium v1.4.16 APK
Record your Voice and apply any effect you want with Voice modulator!
Save your modified Voice and set as ringtone, notification or alarm sound.
Voice changer with effects is an entertaining app with great graphics.
Have fun with your kids with Voice changer!
Apply helium, chorus, drunk, robot, backwards and many other funny effects to your Voice like morphvox!
Share your modified Voice with friends(e-mail, dropbox, whatsapp...) using Voice modulator.
- Normal
- Drunk
- Cave
- Monster
- Squirrel
- Helium
- Hexafluoride
- Smurf
- Robot
- Chorus
- Death
- Fast
- Backwards
- Kid
- Alien
- Bathroom
- Bee
- Old radio
- Underwater
- Fan
- Telephone
- Space Station
- Low Battery
j'fdr hgjghuf fhgHw,hj Voice Changer Premium v1>4>16 APK ggHk]v,d] apk hgjghuf changer fhgHw,hj j'fdr premium
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الساعة الآن 02:14 PM