عملاق الجرافيكس و التصميم المجسم Autodesk Maya 2016 SP6 - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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الگمبيوتر و الانْترنِت ▪● ـ برامج الكمبيوتر . عالم التقنيات. برمجة الكمبيوترات . Windows Vista . ويندوز إكس بي . Windows XP . ويندوز 7 مايكروسوفت . Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows . .

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قديم 04-08-2016, 03:53 PM
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افتراضي عملاق الجرافيكس و التصميم المجسم Autodesk Maya 2016 SP6

Autodesk maya 2016 SP6

عملاق الجرافيكس التصميم المجسم Autodesk

عملاق الجرافيكس التصميم المجسم Autodesk

Mayaآ® 2016 software is full of new features, performance improvements, and artist-friendly tools that greatly enhance the entire maya experience. In addition to an all-new look and feel, maya 2016 uses more computer resources to help accelerate animation performance.

Adaptive foam in Bifrost
Add froth, foam, and bubbles (“whitewaterâ€‌) to liquid simulations, creating even more realism and detail in scenes with oceans, beaches, lakes, and stormy seas. Create high-resolution simulations close to the camera, where detail is essential, while lowering the computation of foam particles in other areas. The result: shorter simulation times.

Faster, easier-to-use XGen
An all-new presets workflow enables you to quickly share looks between meshes by applying premade grass or hairstyles to the meshes for an improved starting point. The XGen library now includes presets previously included for maya Fur, and allows you to build a library of descriptions with custom thumbnails. So you dont have to rebuild them from scratch every time.

Guided simulation in Bifrost
Drive the behavior of liquids using a cached simulation or an animated mesh object. With a guided simulation, use a full-depth, low-resolution simulation to guide a high-resolution simulation on the liquids surface. Use guided simulation for carefully art-directed hero waves and similar effects. You can perform multiple iterations at high resolution while retaining the basic look and motion of the underlying guiding simulation.

Adaptive Aero solver in Bifrost
Create atmospheric effects such as smoke and mist. Aero produces simulations of higher detail and greater physical accuracy than maya Fluid Effects. As with guided simulation, low resolution aero solves can drive higher resolution detail. The added benefit of adaptivity means that you can define regions of high resolution within a massively large computational domain.

System Requirements:
- Microsoftآ® Windowsآ® 7 (SP1) and Windowsآ® 8.1 Professional operating system (64-bit).
- Appleآ® Mac OSآ® X 10.9.5 and 10.10.x operating system.

عملاق الجرافيكس التصميم المجسم Autodesk

ulghr hg[vhtd;s , hgjwldl hgl[sl Autodesk Maya 2016 SP6 autodesk hgl[.g hgjwldl hg[vhtd;s maya sp6


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2016, autodesk, المجزل, التصميم, الجرافيكس, maya, sp6, عملاق

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