برنامج استرجاع جميع باسوورداتك Browser Password Dump 2.6 - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 09-03-2015, 06:45 AM
ضوء القمر متواجد حالياً
Saudi Arabia     Female
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آلعمر  » 22 سنه
الحآلة آلآجتمآعية  » عزباء ♔
 التقييم » ضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond reputeضوء القمر has a reputation beyond repute
مشروبك   cola
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مَزآجِي  »  3

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11 برنامج استرجاع جميع باسوورداتك Browser Password Dump 2.6

Browser Password Dump 2.6

برنامج استرجاع جميع باسوورداتك Browser

برنامج استرجاع جميع باسوورداتك Browser

Browser Password Dump is the free command-line tool to instantly recover your lost Password from all the popular web browsers.

Currently it can recover stored web login passwords from following browsers.
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Chrome Canary/SXS
CoolNovo Browser
Opera Browser
Apple Safari
Flock Browser
SeaMonkey Browser
SRWare Iron Browser
Comodo Dragon Browser

It automatically discovers installed applications on your system and recovers all the stored web login passwords within seconds.

By default it dumps all the recovered passwords to console. Now with version v2.0 onwards, you can also save the passwords to TEXT file.

Being command-line tool makes it ideal tool for penetration testers and forensic investigators. For GUI version check out the Browser Password Decryptor.

It works on both 32-bit & 64-bit platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.


برنامج استرجاع جميع باسوورداتك Browser
















fvkhl[ hsjv[hu [ldu fhs,,v]hj; Browser Password Dump 2>6 browser hsjv[hu dump fhs,,v]hj; fvkhl[ [ldu password

 توقيع : ضوء القمر




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