If, unless.. Which one fits the following - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 11-10-2020, 08:24 AM
شموع الحب متواجد حالياً
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جديد1 If, unless.. Which one fits the following

title I hope it's not too bad

OK.... This is a lesson for improving your English but it is like an exam
I have many examples your job is choosing the correct one....
Let us start....
@@@@@@@@@@@October the lesson
Unless and If

Often when we are talking about present situations, we use unless instead of if...not.

Unless means except if or simply it means if...not.

Both of these examples have the same meaning and refer to the present time.

"You can't go on vacation unless you save some money."
"If you don't save some money, you can't go on vacation."

"You will feel cold if you don't wear a coat."
"You will feel cold unless you wear a coat."

Unless is good to use when it highlights an exception to what is generally true. In this example I only have one reason why i may be late: traffic (vehicles on the road):

"I'll arrive at 10am unless there is traffic."
"I'll arrive at 10am if there isn't traffic."

This next example shows us that sometimes the context can change and unless is not exactly interchangeable with if...not.

"I'll be annoyed if I do not arrive at 10am." - Being late will annoy me.
"I'll be annoyed unless I arrive at 10am." - The only thing that can stop me from being annoyed is arriving at 10am.

Practice time

___ she does well in the interview, she won't be accepted in the Ph.D. program.
a. if
b. unles
I'll go to the beach with you ___ it rains this weekend.
a. if
b. unless

Life on the planet will be impossible ___ we don't fight against air and water pollution.
a. if
b. unless
You won't be able to describe the picture ___ you look at it carefully.
a. if
b. unless
Don't do it ___ you're not sure of the consequences.
a. if
b. unless
___ he moves to another country, it'll probably be to Australia.
a. if
b. unless

I'll go to the concert with you tonight ___ my boss asks me to work overtime this evening.
a. if
b. unless
___ you need me, just give me a call, and I'll be there in no time.
a. if
b. unless

He must study ___ he doesn't want to flunk the course.
a. if
b. unless
Sign the document only ___ you read it carefully.
a. if
b. unless


Don't interrupt the meeting ___ it's an emergency.
a. if
b. unless


___ you ever come to California, feel free to visit us.
a. if
b. unless

___ you love her, marry her.
a. if
b. unless


Good luck

If< unless>> Which one fits the following

رد مع اقتباس
4 أعضاء قالوا شكراً لـ شموع الحب على المشاركة المفيدة:
 (11-18-2020),  (11-12-2020),  (11-11-2020),  (11-10-2020)

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