11-29-2016, 07:42 AM
word about love%
%word about love%
I wanted to write to you some of the words I read it about love.
I really liked it and I hope you will like it too.
Anyone can love a rose,
but it takes a great heart
to love a leaf.
The most terrible poverty is
the feeling of loneliness and
the feeling of being unloved.
It is better
to be hated
for what you are
than to be loved
for what you are not.
Love is NOT finding
someone to live with;
it is finding someone
you can’t live without.
When you look
for the good in others,
you discover the best
in yourself.
Love is making
someone who believes
he is alone
that he is not.
The secret of being loved,
and the secret of being lovely,
is being unselfish.
The way to fill your life
with love is simple:
if you want more love,
give more love.
Let us always meet
each other with a smile,
for the smile is
the beginning of love.
Love is seeing another as
a subject of the heart,
and not as
an object of the mind.
It is a good thing
to be rich and strong
but it is a better thing
to be loved.
One who walks a road with love
will never walk the road alone.
If you love someone,
the time to express it
is today.
Tell me
whom you love
and I’ll tell you
who you are.
While faith makes
all things possible,
love makes
all things easy.
Love is like a candle.
Lighting another with our own
never diminishes the light
we have; it only helps us
to see more clearly.
Trying to find yourself within yourself
is like peeling an onion;
you’ll never find anything in the end.
The only way to find yourself
is to go outside of yourself
and meet another.
Choose your love,
and then
love your choice.
We don’t love people
because they are beautiful;
they seem beautiful to us
because we love them.
Love is the only thing
that we can carry
with us when we go,
and it makes the end
so easy.
You can give
without loving
but you can’t love
without giving.
A house is made of
walls and beams;
a home is built
with love and dream.
The real test
is not how much
we love our friends
but how much
we love our enemies.
The most important thing
a father can do for his children
is to love their mother.
Success is not
the key to happiness.
Happiness is key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you’ll be successful.
word about love%
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