07-07-2016, 09:29 PM
اقوى برامج التصميم وتعديل الصور CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8
CorelDRAW graphics suite X8
Combine your creativity with the unparalleled power of CorelDRAWآ® graphics suite X8 to design graphics and layouts, edit photos, and create websites. With advanced support for Windows 10, multi-monitor viewing and 4K displays, the suite lets first-time users, graphics pros, small business owners and design enthusiasts deliver professional results with speed and confidence. Discover high-caliber and intuitive tools to create logos, brochures, web graphics, social media ads or any original project. coreldraw your way.
hr,n fvhl[ hgjwldl ,ju]dg hgw,v CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X8 18>1>0>661 661 hgjwldl hgw,v coreldraw hr,n fvhl[ graphics suite ,ju]dg
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الساعة الآن 07:41 AM