تطبيق MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v3.13.13 لتحكم و ادارة الهاتف - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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فَعَالِيَاتْ تراتيل شاعر

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افتراضي تطبيق MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v3.13.13 لتحكم و ادارة الهاتف

MacroDroid - device automation Pro v3.13.13 APK

تطبيق MacroDroid Device Automation v3.13.13

Overview: macrodroid is a task automation and configuration app that focuses heavily on usability with a simple, attractive UI and logical step by step process.

macrodroid is a powerful task automation and configuration app that focuses heavily on usability with a simple UI and logical step by step process.

A few examples of what macrodroid can automate:
Turn on the Wifi connection when you launch a particular app (and off again when closed).
Auto respond to a specific incoming SMS by sending your current location.
Toggle the power button to tell you the time (without taking out of your pocket).
Use NFC tags to configure the device (turn on bluetooth, set volume etc).

Creating a custom macro is easy:
Click Add Macro
Select a trigger from the list - (e.g. Battery Level).
Configure trigger specific settings (e.g. Battery Level < 10%)
Select an action from the list (e.g Configure Wifi)
Configure action specific setting (e.g. Disable Wifi)
Add more actions as required
(Optionally) add constraints from the list (e.g. Day of the Week)
Configure constraints as required (e.g. Saturday and Sunday)
Add more constraints as required
Choose a name and category for the macro

macrodroid includes many built in and user shared templates to demonstrate the power and flexibility of the application and help you get started. These templates can be used as is, or easily customised to meet your needs.

Pro Version
The free version of macrodroid is limited to five macros and displays adverts. You can upgrade in the application to allow unlimited macros and remove all adverts.


تطبيق MacroDroid Device Automation v3.13.13

تطبيق MacroDroid Device Automation v3.13.13









j'fdr MacroDroid - Device Automation Pro v3>13>13 gjp;l , h]hvm hgihjt Hfd;l automation hgihjt h]hvm device j'fdr macrodroid pro


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الساعة الآن 07:35 AM

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