06-27-2016, 08:47 PM
عملاق تشغيل الميديا عاليه الجودة Corel WinDVD Pro
Corel WinDVD Pro
Welcome to the future of video playback! Corelآ® WinDVDآ® Pro 11 is advanced 2D and Blu-ray 3Dâ„¢ player software that supports Blu-ray 3Dâ„¢, AVCHDâ„¢, DVD playback and all the latest video formats. With over 250 million copies sold, WinDVD is one of the world’s most recognized products. This newest version is stacked with features such as 3D playback technology, 2D to 3D conversion, HD upscaling, superior sound and more! Bring Hollywood home with WinDVD Pro 11
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