تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v2.0.2 APK للأندرويد - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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قديم 06-22-2016, 06:57 AM
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 تاريخ التسجيل : Mar 2016
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 معدل التقييم : خالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عاليخالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عاليخالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عاليخالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عاليخالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عاليخالد مشعل وجودك فخر لنا انت مكسب  لنا لاتحرمنا تواجدك تقييمك عالي
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افتراضي تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v2.0.2 APK للأندرويد

Adobe Photoshop lightroom v2.0.2 APK

تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop

Bring beautiful images to light with adobe Lightroom. Powered by the magic of adobe Photoshop technology, lightroom for mobile enables you to craft and share professional-quality images from your smartphone or tablet.

Winner of the 2015 Professional Photographer Hot One Awards in the Photo App category

The tools you need to tell your story.
• Create stunning images in seconds with tools that range from simple one-tap presets to powerful advanced adjustments.
• Experiment freely with edits, and revert to the original at any time, with just one tap.
• Capture amazing moments with the in-app adobe camera, streamlining shoot to share. Apply Photoshop magic with five specially formulated shoot-through presets, which can be previewed and applied at capture, and adjusted afterward with full non-destructive capabilities. *
• Simplify your editing process and get consistent looks in your photos by copying your favorite edits across photos.

Stories need to be shared.
• Share photos any way you want: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and more. Join the community by using #lightroom.

Ready to take your photos to the next level? Check out our time-limited trial of the adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan.

Creative Cloud Photography plan member benefits:

Take your photography further.
• Access your photos anywhere: Organize, edit and share lightroom photos across mobile devices, desktop and the web.
• Transform photos beyond your imagination with Photoshop CC, the world’s best tool for combining multiple images, removing objects, and retouching your photos.
• Get precise control over the color and tone of your photos with selective local adjustments, and more, with the lightroom desktop app.
• Seamlessly sync photo edits, metadata, and more—from smartphone photos or raw images from DSLRs—across lightroom enabled devices.
• Share your photo collections in beautiful web galleries and get feedback from family and friends.
• Craft amazing video stories with your photos, with direct access to adobe Premiere Clip


تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop

تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop








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للأندرويد, adobe, apk, الشهير, الفوتوشوب, تحميل, lightroom, photoshop
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تحميل الفوتوشوب الشهير Adobe Photoshop Lightroom للأندرويد خالد مشعل м ό в ι เ є ▪● 15 06-01-2016 11:37 AM
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الساعة الآن 10:37 AM

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