06-07-2016, 03:20 PM
برنامج لتصوير شاشة وعمل شروحات ومميزات أخرى Ashampoo Snap 9.0.1
Ashampoo snap 9.0.1
ashampoo snap 8 will revolutionize the way you make, edit and share snaps and videos of your screen content! This program allows you to easily take screenshots of various regions, websites, or even specific windows on your desktop with just a few clicks. In the user-friendly editing mode several tools are available for editing. Using those it’s easy to add images, notes, texts, markings, watermarks etc. to your screenshots. Saving or exporting screenshots and videos is quickly done within the ashampoo snap 8 program. Just send an email, save your result to the clipboard or a file or just print it. Moreover, you can now upload your result directly to Facebook or YouTube. Thanks to many new functions it has never been easier to make and edit professional looking screenshots. Even capturing menu trees is now very easy
fvkhl[ gjw,dv aham ,ulg av,phj ,lld.hj Hovn Ashampoo Snap 9>0>1 l]vd ashampoo fvkhl[ aham av,phj snap ,lld.hj
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