الگمبيوتر و الانْترنِت ▪● ـ برامج الكمبيوتر . عالم التقنيات. برمجة الكمبيوترات . Windows Vista . ويندوز إكس بي . Windows XP . ويندوز 7 مايكروسوفت .
Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows .
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05-26-2016, 02:38 PM
أسطوانة البرامج الرائعة لأهم البرامج بعد الويندوز Starter Toolkit May 2016 v1.0
Starter Toolkit May 2016 v1.0
Collection of must-have programs to install right after Windows Setup. This package contains almost all programs to perform the first tasks right after Windows setup. This includes Windows activation and its backup, tweaking the user interface to your convenience, the necessary file managers to handle common file types, Install drivers, install 3rd party themes, Media Player alternative, Notepad alternative, image viewers, ISO managers, download accelerator, Torrent client, runtimes, .Net, popular browsers and plugins, junk cleaners, programs updater and finally some tools to make a full working image or a factory image of your partitions or entire hard disk to restore in case of disaster.
Hs',hkm hgfvhl[ hgvhzum gHil fu] hg,dk],. Starter Toolkit May 2016 v1>0 gHig Hs',hkm hgfvhl[ hgvhzum hg,dk],. fu] starter
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الساعة الآن 04:04 PM
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