تحميل لعبة صيد الأسماك الرائعة Fishing Hook v1.3.0 للأندرويد - منتديات تراتيل شاعر

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افتراضي تحميل لعبة صيد الأسماك الرائعة Fishing Hook v1.3.0 للأندرويد

Fishing hook v1.3.0

تحميل لعبة الأسماك الرائعة Fishing

Are you ready to control the world
It is not another remote control app. Read description to know why it is totally different from other remote controls!

AIO Remote stands for All In One Remote,
You can control any application ever on your computer through WIFI , Bluetooth by creating your own fully customized custom remote controls.

Windows, Linux and Mac are supported.

Control another Android device (Beta)

There is a predefined set of remotes to control mouse, keyboard, slide show, file manager and media players

- If you pull the button, it gives the fish damage and brings fish to you.
- If you push striking pin with tension gauge, you can reduce the great distance between fish.
- If you release the challenge fish, you can catch stronger and more expensive challenge fish next time.
- You can enjoy playing the game without using data since it uses low capacity and it doesnt require network connection.
- fishing hook is a fishing game for you to enjoy the feelings of real fishing as it is.

Game Features
1. 16 multi languages support
2. Supports achievement and ranking
3. Supports tablet devices

[Android 6.0 OS or higher user Notification]
You have to allow the authority for smooth game play.
Apps Management-> fishing hook -> Permissions -> allow

Mod List:
Initial money amount 5,000,000.
Money x10 for selling catch fish.
Money x100 for selling challenge fish.
Money x100 for leveling up bonus reward.
Cast pin movement x2 slower than normal.
Increase special fish appearances.


تحميل لعبة الأسماك الرائعة Fishing

تحميل لعبة الأسماك الرائعة Fishing


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للأندرويد, لعبة, الأسماك, الرائعة, تحميل, fishing, hook, سيد
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الساعة الآن 09:07 AM

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