05-14-2016, 02:39 PM
عملاق تعديل وتصميمات الفيديوا Sony Vegas Pro 13.0 Build 373
Sony vegas Pro 13.0 build 373
Designed for complete creative control
Vegasâ„¢ Pro 13 is a contemporary NLE designed for complete creative control. New features include advanced archival tools, sophisticated audio metering, and the vegas Pro Connect mobile iPad companion app. Vegasâ„¢ Pro 13 comes complete with DVD Architectâ„¢ Pro 6, Dolby Digital Professional Encoder, and plug-in collections from FXHOME, NewBlueFX, and iZotope.
ulghr ju]dg ,jwldlhj hgtd]d,h Sony Vegas Pro 13>0 Build 373 130 373 build hgtd]d,h ju]dg pro sony ulghr vegas ,jwldlhj
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الساعة الآن 06:37 PM