05-08-2016, 12:36 AM
البرنامج الرائع للتعامل مع الصور باحترافيه Corel AfterShot Pro
Corel aftershot Pro
aftershot Pro: Up to 4x Faster than the competition! Say hello to the world’s fastest RAW photo-editing software. corel aftershot Pro 2 is changing the way the world works with RAW, with 64-bit performance that’s 30% faster than aftershot Pro 1 and up to 4x faster* than the competition.
aftershot Pro 2 is the best way to unlock the freedom and flexibility of shooting RAW. With unparalleled speed and power, and a sleek new interface, aftershot Pro 2 is a RAW converter, non-destructive photo editor and complete high-speed photo manager in one. Whether you’re batch processing thousands of RAW images, or making detailed adjustments to your latest prize-winning shot, aftershot Pro 2 gives you the tools to quickly take complete control over every aspect of your photo workflow
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