04-25-2016, 04:19 PM
استخدامات الفعل look
Look after أي اهتم واعتنى
مثال : Their auntie LOOKED AFTER them while their mother was in hospital
Look back أي أنظر إلى الوراء
مثال : Old people often look BACK on over their lives
Look down on أي استهتر وازدرى
مثال : He LOOKS DOWN ON his colleagues because he thinks he's better than they are
Look for أي أبحث عن
مثال : I've been LOOKING FOR all their hidden files, but I can't find them anywhere
Look forward to أي نتطلع إلى
مثال : I'm LOOKING FORWARD TO meeting you
Look in أي ابحث في
مثال : I'll look IN on my way home
Look in on أي بحث في يوم
مثال : I'm going to look IN ON grannie on the way home tonight as she's been a bit unwell recently
Look into أي النظر في
مثال : We'll look INTO the problem and come back to you when we have the
Look on أي راقب
مثال : The crowd just LOOKED ON as the old lady was mugged
Look on as أي نظر على النحو
مثال : I look ON her AS a close friend
Look out أي انتبه
مثال : look OUT you're going to drop that
Look over أي القى نظرة
مثال : They came to look the house OVER with a view to buying it
Look to أي نتطلع إلى
مثال : The company is LOOKING TO increase its sales in Asia
Look up أي بحث
مثال : I didn't know the correct spelling so I had to look it UP in the dictionary
Look upon as أي كما ننظر إلى
مثال : I look UPON him AS a close friend |
hsjo]hlhj hgtug look
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الساعة الآن 03:32 AM