03-04-2016, 02:08 PM
المتصفح العملاق جوجل كروم Google Chrome 49.0.2623.75 Final
Google chrome 49.0.2623.75 Final
Google chrome - browser from google open source software, which combines support for the latest -d applications, easy search with high speed and stability. Of the features of the browser developers especially isolated tabs to prevent the failure and mistakes of the program, which provides more protection from dangerous sites.
Features : - One box for everything - Dynamic tabs - Crash control - Integration with google Gears - Incognito mode - Safe Browsing - Multithreading and no freezes browser - Instant bookmarks - Import settings from other browsers - The simplified process of loading - Behind each tab a separate process is fixed - The use of a very simple and fast Kit engine for rendering HTML - Multi support and easy to use browser - Timely updates of components of the program
hgljwtp hgulghr [,[g ;v,l Google Chrome 49>0>2623>75 Final hgulghr chrome final google [,[g
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الساعة الآن 03:42 AM