01-09-2017, 11:33 AM
a cup of cofee
a cup of cofee
** cup of coffee**
this is a story about a teacher..and his students
and other things for teaching them
so when the lesson started..and without talking
he takes an empty big bottle
..and started to fill it
with a golf balls..
then he asks his students
?is this bottle full or empty
their answer were full
after he take a small box of cobbles
and added it in the bottle
then he started to move the bottle for cobbles get between the golf balls
and asked them
?..is it full now
they said yes..
after that he took a box of sand
and started to fill the botlle
and of course the sand fill the rest of emptiness
and and asked them again
?..is the bottle full
they all said .. yes it is
finally the teacher took a cup of coffee
and pour it into the bottle
which make the students laugh on that
when they finished laughing
he started to talk
he said now i want you to now ..why i did this
i want you to know that this bottle is like everyone's life
the golf balls
: is the importance things in your life
your religion..your ethics ..your behaviour..your familly ..
your friends ..your health and your kids
because if you lose everything and you still have those things in your life that..
means that your life will be full and fixed
about the cobble is like the importance things too..
like your job and home and your car too
for the sand ..it's like the other things in your life
or let's said ..the simple and secondariness things
for that if you did put the sand first in the bottle
.. you will have no space for
the cobble and the golf balls..
and this is an example to your life because if you care about the bullshit things
you will lose the importance ones
for that you have to care about it to keep your self stable and your life safe
and especially your religion and keep your values and ethics and principes
have fun with your familly an your kids
bring a gift to your wife if you have and tell her how much you love her
visit always your friend and ask about him
go to a doctor so as to ascultate tour self
and be sure that you will have enough time for the seconariness things
and always take care about the golf balls
because it's the real things
define your priorities..
because the other things are just a >>> sand
when he finished
one of his stundents asked him
?..what about the cup coffee
the teacher smilles
and say
i'm happy for your question
i added cofee just to show you
that how much your life is full
you will have a time for ..
a cup of cofee
[the end.
a cup of cofee
الأعضاء الذين قالوا شكراً لـ شموع الحب على المشاركة المفيدة:
01-09-2017, 11:45 AM
رد: a cup of cofee
طرح رآئع وراقي
تحية عطرة ل روحك الجميلة
شكراً لك من القلب على هذآ العطاء
01-09-2017, 12:13 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
الله يعطيك العافية على المرور المميز
أجمل التحــــايــا مع كل الــود
01-09-2017, 02:51 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
سلمت اناملك ويعطيك الله العافيه على مجهودك
01-09-2017, 05:31 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
تسسسلم الايـآدي
على روعه طرحك
الله يعطيك العافيه يـآرب
بانتظـآر جــديدك القــآدم
محبتي والور
تسلم يدينك غلاتي امجاد على الأهداء الرائع
اشكرك ياخياط على هذا تكريم الرائع ما قصرت ربي يسعدك
شكرا على تكريم الرائع ما قصرتي شموخي ياقلبي
01-09-2017, 06:53 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
أسعدني كثيرا مروركم وتعطيركم هذه الصفحة
01-09-2017, 06:54 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ملاك الورد
تسسسلم الايـآدي
على روعه طرحك
الله يعطيك العافيه يـآرب
بانتظـآر جــديدك القــآدم
محبتي والور
أسعدني كثيرا مروركم وتعطيركم هذه الصفحة
01-12-2017, 02:15 AM
رد: a cup of cofee
سلمت الآكف ومَاجلبت
إبداع دآئم وتميز مُستمر
لا عدمنَاك /
01-12-2017, 07:45 AM
رد: a cup of cofee
أسعدني كثيرا مروركم وتعطيركم هذه الصفحة
01-13-2017, 01:49 PM
رد: a cup of cofee
سلمت يداك غلاتي
دمتِ ودام تميز عطاائك
لروحك النرجس
تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك
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الساعة الآن 09:22 AM
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