Special Language ▪● يختص باللغات الأجنبية والأبحاث والتعليم وجميع مواضيع السلك التعليمي |
10-07-2015, 10:06 PM
Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
Whole numbers also known as cardinal numbers - used for counting
Symbol Word Pronounce It
0 Nought 0
1 One 1
2 Two 2
3 Three 3
4 Four 4
5 Five 5
6 Six 6
7 Seven 7
8 Eight 8
9 Nine 9
10 Ten 10
More numbers
11 Eleven 11
12 Twelve 12
13 Thirteen 13
14 Fourteen 14
15 Fifteen 15
16 Sixteen 16
17 Seventeen 17
18 Eighteen 18
19 Nineteen 19
20 Twenty 20
21 Twenty-one ... 21
30 Thirty 30
40 Forty 40
50 Fifty 50
60 Sixty 60
70 Seventy 70
80 Eighty 80
90 Ninety 90
100 One hundred 100
101 One hundred and one ... 101
102 One thousand 1,000
1,000,000 One million 1,000,000
1,000,000,000,000 One billion 1,000,000,000,000
Ordinal numbers - used for ranking
In figures In words Pronounce It
1st the first 1st
2nd the second 2nd
3rd the third 3rd
4th the fourth 4th
5th the fifth 5th
6th the sixth 6th
7th the seventh 7th
8th the eighth 8th
9th the ninth 9th
10th the tenth 10th
11th the eleventh 11th
12th the twelfth 12th
13th the thirteenth 13th
14th the fourteenth 14th
15th the fifteenth 15th
16th the sixteenth 16th
17th the seventeenth 17th
18th the eighteenth 18th
19th the nineteenth 19th
20th the twentieth 20th
21st the twenty-first ...
22nd the twenty-second ...
23rd the twenty-third ...
24th the twenty-fourth ...
25th the twenty-fifth ...
26th the twenty-sixth ...
27th the twenty-seventh ...
28th the twenty-eighth ...
29th the twenty-ninth ...
30th the thirtieth 30th
40th the fortieth 40th
50th the fiftieth 50th
60th the sixtieth 60th
70th the seventieth 70th
80th the eightieth 80th
90th the ninetieth 90th
100th the hundredth 100th
101st the hundred and first ...
1000th the thousandth 1000th
Numbers> Cardinal and ordinal cardinal numbers ordinal
والله لو صحب الإنسانُ جبريلا لن يسلم المرء من قالَ ومن قيلا َ
قد قيل فى الله أقوالٌ مصنفة تتلى لو رتل القرآنُ ترتيلا َ
قالوا إن له ولدًا وصاحبة زورًا عليه وبهتانًا وتضليلا َ
هذا قولهمُفي.. الله خالقهم
فكيف لو قيل فينا بعض ما قيلا ..
انا زينـــــــــــــه
10-07-2015, 10:11 PM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
10-08-2015, 01:38 AM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
سلمت الأيادي ع الطرح القيم
بنتظار جديدك بشوق
~ شكرا همووس ويسعدك ربي يالغلا ~
10-08-2015, 04:01 AM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
أختيااار أكـثر من رااائـع ’
وُجودك لـه وآقعٌ مُختلف / وكله تميز ..
شُكراً تمتد عميقاً وتنتشي لك بالورد
10-08-2015, 04:03 AM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
تقدير لمرورك الكريم
وشكرا جزيلا لكلماتك الطيّبة
10-08-2015, 04:03 AM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
تقدير لمرورك الكريم
وشكرا جزيلا لكلماتك الطيّبة
10-08-2015, 04:03 AM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
تقدير لمرورك الكريم
وشكرا جزيلا لكلماتك الطيّبة
10-08-2015, 10:33 AM
10-08-2015, 01:10 PM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
سلمت الأيادي ع الانتقاء الراقي
بنتظار جديدك بشووق
10-09-2015, 01:46 PM
رد: Numbers. Cardinal and ordinal
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سلمت الأيادي
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