المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أبسط برنامج لعمل العلب ثلاثية الأبعاد Insofta Cover Commander 4.0

خالد مشعل
06-26-2016, 07:58 AM
Insofta Cover Commander 4.0



Cover Commander creates professional, custom-designed three-dimensional virtual boxes for your software, iPhones, e-books, Blu-ray discs, DVDs, manuals, and even . A simple picture, Cover Commander Wizard, and a few mouse clicks are all thats necessary to get the job done. The programs extensive light, shadow, and reflection controls allow you to render a box or a cover of just about any complexity…

Reasons to Go with Cover Commander
3D models: Box, Box with disc, Disc, Screenshot, Curved screenshot, Book, Thin book, Manual, Vista box, Card, Spiral book, Monitor, TV, iPhone 5s/5c, iPad, iPad with cover, Blu-ray box, Blu-ray with disc, DVD box, DVD box with disc, CD box, CD box with disc.
Let the built-in wizards do the dirty work for you and focus on the artistic details of the cover.
Create multiple projects, parse multiple images - with a single command (batch mode).
Save the result image with transparent background and use the picture for the complex web or print designs.
Save the light, shadow, and reflection settings under a unique name and use those settings in other projects.
Set the result image size (up to 4000x4000) and margins in pixels.
Draw your customers attention with an animated box, cover or screenshot.
Dont pay more than what it actually costs to create a great cover. Create additional covers at no cost at all!

A Picture, a Wizard, and a Mouse Click
Cover Commander creates professional, custom-designed three-dimensional virtual boxes for your software, e-books, iPhone/iPad apps, manuals, and even . A simple picture, Cover Commander Wizard, and a few mouse clicks are all thats necessary to get the job done. The programs extensive light, shadow, and reflection controls allow you to render a box or a cover of just about any complexity and see the final product as it is being made in the real-time preview window. The intelligent project creation wizard does the complex work for you, thus you can concentrate on the creative part of your project.

OS : Windows XP/2003/Vista/7/8/8.1/10
Language : Multilingual


DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/Owt)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/vAb)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/0eT)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/9Qt)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/XZU)

ملاك الورد
06-26-2016, 10:44 AM
يعُطيكٌ آلعْآفيُهِ
بنتٌظآرْ رًوْعةّ ذآئقتُكٌ آلقّآدْمٌه
لكٌ جْنآئنٌ آلوّردْ وُآصٌدقٌ آلوْدٌ
دّمتْ بعُطآءْ وًتميُز .~

eyes beirut
06-26-2016, 04:13 PM
تسلم ايدك ع الطرح

06-26-2016, 09:42 PM
طرح رائع
يعطيك العافية

شموخ وايليه
06-26-2016, 10:48 PM
سلمت اناملك ويعطيك الله العافيه على مجهودك
والمزيد من عطائك ومواضيعك الرائعه والجميله
ودائما في إبداع مستمرفي أنتظار المزيد
ربي يحفظك

الم ونظرة امل
06-28-2016, 06:03 PM
الله يعطيك العافية على جمال
مواضيعك المميزه
لك مني كل الشكر

أميرة الورد
06-29-2016, 05:51 AM
طرح رآقي وأنتقـــاء مميـــز ومجهود رائـــع
الله يعطيكـ العافيه
لـروحكـ السعاده الدائمــه

06-29-2016, 07:52 PM

طرح بمنتهى العذوبه والخيآل,,
سلمت اناملك على هذا النثر الاكثر من رائع
دمت ودام عطائك
بنتظآرجديدك بكل شووق

ضوء القمر
06-30-2016, 09:09 PM

سلمت الآكف ومآ جلبت
إبدآع دائم وتميز مستمر