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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عملاق صناعه الفيدوهات والمؤثرات لصور Photodex ProShow Gold 7.0.3527

خالد مشعل
06-09-2016, 04:02 PM
Photodex ProShow Gold 7.0.3527



Photodex ProShow Gold is a complete all-in-one tool for the slide show enthusiast. With the award-winning ProShow Gold, you can share your experiences the way you’d like them to be remembered with friends and family on HD, DVD & Online. ProShow Gold makes it easy to create a slide show with your photos, videos and music in a few simple steps. Just drag and drop your content into a show, edit photos, add effects, set the timing and you’re done!

Combine photos, videos .
Create slideshows with as many photos, videos and songs as you want. Add from your computer or import from Facebook, Picasa, Instagram and more. Add multiple photos to one slide for fun, multi-layered effects. ProShow makes working with video just as easy as using photos. Finally something to do with all those clips from your camera or cellphone


DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/8Ur)

(http://01free-share.com/M1i)DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/M1i)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/Q8j)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/2mI)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/jdQ)

ملاك الورد
06-09-2016, 07:43 PM
سلمت يمناك على الانتقاء الاكثر من رائع
ولاحرمنا جديدك الشيق
تحياتي لسمو شخصك الكريم

eyes beirut
06-09-2016, 11:04 PM
تسلم ايدك ع الطرح

شموخ وايليه
06-10-2016, 12:05 AM
سلمت اناملك ويعطيك الله العافيه على مجهودك
والمزيد من عطائك ومواضيعك الرائعه والجميله
ودائما في إبداع مستمرفي أنتظار المزيد
ربي يحفظك

ضوء القمر
06-10-2016, 08:47 PM

سلمت الاكف وماجلبت
ابدآع دائم وتميز مستمر
لاعدمنآك ~