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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : عملآق النسخ الإحتياطية لنسخ الوندوز Acronis True Image 2016 19.0 Build 6571

خالد مشعل
06-02-2016, 12:44 AM
Acronis True Image 2016 19.0 Build 6571 Multilingual



Acronis True Image 2016 Protect your digital life with the 1 backup solution. Back up your entire computer including your operating system, applications and data, not just files and folders to an external hard drive or NAS. Restore backed up data including your operating system, application and all your data to your existing computer or an entirely separate piece of hardware, or restore specific data as needed.

System Requirements:
- Windows XP SP3
- Windows 7 SP1 (all editions)
- Windows 8 (all editions)
- Windows 8.1 (all editions)
- Windows Home Server 2011
- Windows 10
- Windows Vista (all editions) is not supported

Whats new in Acronis True Image 2016:
- Archiving. Free up disk space by smart archiving large or rarely used files to Acronis Cloud.
- Online Dashboard. Protect multiple computers and mobile devices for yourself and your family, by using an online dashboard.
- Mobile Backup. Back up your pictures, videos, contacts, and events from iPhones, iPads, Android smartphones and tablets, and Windows tablets, and transfer them to other devices. Back up Android Messages too!
- Optimized Performance. Both local and online backups are now faster. Save time with the industrys fastest online backup and recovery – up to 50 percent faster than the competition.
- Windows 10 Support. Optimized for the best Windows 10 experience.
- Improved Backup Experience. Our team has been focused on delivering various improvements for your backup experience: redesigned and simplified backup creation and editing, easy backup naming, enhanced accessibility, improved keyboard support, and much more.
- Multilingual Application. Easily change the language of your Acronis True Image.
- Try&Decide is Back! Improved Try&Decide is available again. The Try&Decide feature allows you to create a secure, controlled, and temporary workspace on your computer without requiring you to install special virtualization software. Safely try new software, surf untrusted websites, or open suspicious files.
- Multilingual boot media
- Improved image recovery dialog
- Improved Too many activations wizard
- Bitlocker-encrypted partitions can now be backed up to Acronis Cloud
- New login mechanism


DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/piz)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/VGT)

06-02-2016, 12:48 AM

الله يعطيك العافية
على الطرح الراقي والجميل
تسلم الانامل على ماخطته لنا من الروائع
بانتظار جديدك القادم
تحياتي وتقديري


06-02-2016, 01:12 AM

طرح رآئع وراقي
تحية عطرة ل روحك الجميلة
شكراً لك من القلب على هذآ العطاء


ضوء القمر
06-02-2016, 05:02 AM

سلمت الاكف وماجلبت
ابدآع دائم وتميز مستمر
لاعدمنآك ~

اريج المحبة
06-02-2016, 12:28 PM
انتقاء انيق سلمت
على جميل المجهود العطر

eyes beirut
06-02-2016, 04:59 PM
تسلم ايدك ع الطرح

أميرة الورد
06-02-2016, 07:31 PM
صفحة مكتملة بـ جمال ..
الطرح ..
شكراً لك منْ القلب على هذآ العطاء..
بِـ إنتظآر جديدك آلعذب وآلمميز ..
خآلص ودي ووردي لِـ أنفآسك ..

06-02-2016, 08:10 PM
سلمت يداك
دمت ودام تميز عطاائك
لروحك النرجس :118:

الم ونظرة امل
06-03-2016, 12:15 PM
يعطيك العافيه
لاعدمنـآ هذا الجمال بالطرح..
بإنتظآرجديدك بكل شوق..
ودي وشذى الورد..