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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تحميل برنامج زيادة سرعة البروسيسور Process Lasso PRO

خالد مشعل
05-22-2016, 12:15 AM
Process Lasso PRO



Process Lasso is an easy to use tool that can automatically adjusts the priority of running programs on your computer. It is important to know that this is now a replacement for Windows Task manager but it does have almost the same primary functions. Process Lasso is a unique new technology that will, amongst other things, improve your PCs responsiveness and stability. Windows, by design, allows programs to monopolize your CPU without restraint -- leading to freezes and hangs. Process Lassos ProBalance (Process Balance) technology intelligently adjusts the priority of running programs so that badly behaved or overly active processes wont interfere with your ability to use the computer!

Process Lasso also offers an assortment of ways to take full control of how your CPUs are allocated to running programs. You can choose at what priority processes should run, and which CPUs should be assigned to them. You can also disallow certain programs from running, log all programs run, keep programs running, and SO much more. Once you install Process Lasso, itll just start working. More advanced users can tweak the configuration, but you neednt touch anything to have it instantly improve your system responsiveness and prevent stalls in high load situations.

For network admins, Proces Lasso works wonderfully on Terminal Servers and in multi-user environments. We have many clients that have been using Process Lasso on their Terminal Servers for years. Best of all, Process Lasso is written in native C++, not .NET. This means it consumes very few system resources - considerably less than any similar software.

Features of Process Lasso:
- Prevent processes from monopolozing the CPU(s)
- ProBalance dynamic priority optimization
- CPU throttling (new)
- Save process priorities for future instances
- Save process CPU affinities for future instances
- Gaming mode
- Foreground boosting
- Limit allowed program instances
- Disallow programs from running
- Log all programs run
- Keep select processes running (auto-restart)
- System responsiveness graph
- Stand-alone core engine
- Available in x86-32 and x86-64 builds
- Extremely low RAM and CPU use
• Much more...


DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/gGH)

DOWNLOAD (http://01free-share.com/qE0)

اوراق الحنين
05-22-2016, 12:22 AM
الله يسعد قلبك يآرب
ولا يحرمنا من طرحك الرآئعه
لك كل احترامي وتقديري

همس الغرام
05-22-2016, 12:26 AM
سلمت أناملك على هذا الجمال بإنتظاار جديدك بكل شوق

أميرة الورد
05-22-2016, 03:33 AM
يعطيك العآفيـه على الإنتقآء الروعـه
شكراً لك من القلب على هذآ المجهُود ,
ماأنحرم من عطـآءك المميز يَ رب !
دمت بحفظ الله ورعآيته .


eyes beirut
05-22-2016, 08:48 AM
تسلم ايدك ع الطرح

05-22-2016, 07:45 PM
طرح بمنتهى العذوبه والخيآل,,
سلمت اناملك على هذا النثر الاكثر من رائع
دمت ودام عطائك
بنتظآرجديدك بكل شووق
ودي وشذى الورد

05-22-2016, 07:46 PM
سلمت وسلم لنا عذب وطيب حسك
دمت بتألق وتميزاً وعطآءً لا ينضب
لك مني كل التقدير :118:

قمر الليل
05-23-2016, 02:55 AM
عَطَآء بَآذخَ اَلَجَمَآلَ وًّتَمَيَزَّ بَلَآ حَدَوًّدَ
سَلَمَتَ يَدَآكَ ..~ عَلَىَّ اَلَطَرَحَ الرَآئِع


شموع الحب
05-23-2016, 08:08 AM
يعطيك العافية يارب على هالطرح الجميل

ربى لايحرمنى من هالطرح الراقى والمميز

وعساك على القوة يارب

شموخ وايليه
05-23-2016, 12:50 PM
سلمت اناملك ويعطيك الله العافيه على مجهودك
والمزيد من عطائك ومواضيعك الرائعه والجميله
ودائما في إبداع مستمرفي أنتظار المزيد
ربي يحفظك

ضوء القمر
05-25-2016, 03:53 AM

سلمت الاكف وماجلبت
ابدآع دائم وتميز مستمر
لاعدمنآك ~

الم ونظرة امل
05-28-2016, 09:27 PM
تسلم أناملك على اختيارك الرائع
وسلٍم لنآ هذآ الإبدآع
لك أرق التحآيآ وأعذبهآ

اريج المحبة
05-31-2016, 03:35 PM
طرح انيق جآدت به انأملك
سلة من آلورد وآنحنآءة حرف لسموك