08-30-2015, 08:46 PM
هذا كود العد التنازلي للمنتديات
كود رائع ومفيد للأعضاء الذين ينتظرون زمن او نقطة بداية معينه
طبعاً بأمكان الجميع تغيير الغه التي يريد وكذالك تعيين الوقت والتاريخ لنقطة البداء للعد
ضع هذا الكود بين وسمي ال <head>
<style style="text/css"> .lcdstyle{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ background-color:black; color:yellow; font: bold 18px MS Sans Serif; padding: 3px; } .lcdstyle sup{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ font-size: 80% } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Dynamic Countdown script- © Dynamic Drive ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ function cdtime(container, targetdate){ if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) return this.container=document.getElementById(container) this.currentTime=new Date() this.targetdate=new Date(targetdate) this.timesup=false this.updateTime() } cdtime.prototype.updateTime=function(){ var thisobj=this this.currentTime.setSeconds(this.currentTime.getSe conds()+1) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateTime()}, 1000) //update time every second } cdtime.prototype.displaycountdown=function(baseuni t, functionref){ this.baseunit=baseunit this.formatresults=functionref this.showresults() } cdtime.prototype.showresults=function(){ var thisobj=this var timediff=(this.targetdate-this.currentTime)/1000 //difference btw target date and current date, in seconds if (timediff<0){ //if time is up this.timesup=true this.container.innerHTML=this.formatresults() return } var oneMinute=60 //minute unit in seconds var oneHour=60*60 //hour unit in seconds var oneDay=60*60*24 //day unit in seconds var dayfield=Math.floor(timediff/oneDay) var hourfield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay)/oneHour) var minutefield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay-hourfield*oneHour)/oneMinute) var secondfield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay-hourfield*oneHour-minutefield*oneMinute)) if (this.baseunit=="hours"){ //if base unit is hours, set "hourfield" to be topmost level hourfield=dayfield*24+hourfield dayfield="n/a" } else if (this.baseunit=="minutes"){ //if base unit is minutes, set "minutefield" to be topmost level minutefield=dayfield*24*60+hourfield*60+minutefiel d dayfield=hourfield="n/a" } else if (this.baseunit=="seconds"){ //if base unit is seconds, set "secondfield" to be topmost level var secondfield=timediff dayfield=hourfield=minutefield="n/a" } this.container.innerHTML=this.formatresults(dayfie ld, hourfield, minutefield, secondfield) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.showresults()}, 1000) //update results every second } /////CUSTOM FORMAT OUTPUT FUNCTIONS BELOW////////////////////////////// //Create your own custom format function to pass into cdtime.displaycountdown() //Use arguments[0] to access "Days" left //Use arguments[1] to access "Hours" left //Use arguments[2] to access "Minutes" left //Use arguments[3] to access "Seconds" left //The values of these arguments may change depending on the "baseunit" parameter of cdtime.displaycountdown() //For example, if "baseunit" is set to "hours", arguments[0] becomes meaningless and contains "n/a" //For example, if "baseunit" is set to "minutes", arguments[0] and arguments[1] become meaningless etc function formatresults(){ if (this.timesup==false){//if target date/time not yet met var displaystring=arguments[0]+" days "+arguments[1]+" hours "+arguments[2]+" minutes "+arguments[3]+" seconds left until March 23, 2009 18:25:00" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="Future date is here!" } return displaystring } function formatresults2(){ if (this.timesup==false){ //if target date/time not yet met var displaystring="<span class='lcdstyle'>"+arguments[0]+" <sup>days</sup> "+arguments[1]+" <sup>hours</sup> "+arguments[2]+" <sup>minutes</sup> "+arguments[3]+" <sup>seconds</sup></span> left until this Christmas" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="" //Don't display any text alert("Christmas is here!") //Instead, perform a custom alert } return displaystring } </script>
وضع هذا الكود بين وسمي <body>
<div id="countdowncontainer"></div> <br /> <div id="countdowncontainer2"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var futuredate=new cdtime("countdowncontainer", "March 23, 2009 18:25:00") futuredate.displaycountdown("days", formatresults) var currentyear=new Date().getFullYear() //dynamically get this Christmas' year value. If Christmas already passed, then year=current year+1 var thischristmasyear=(new Date().getMonth()>=11 && new Date().getDate()>25)? currentyear+1 : currentyear var christmas=new cdtime("countdowncontainer2", "December 25, "+thischristmasyear+" 0:0:00") christmas.displaycountdown("days", formatresults2) </script>
مع تغيير اللغة الى ما يلزمك وكذلك تغيير التاريخ
كود رائع ومفيد للأعضاء الذين ينتظرون زمن او نقطة بداية معينه
طبعاً بأمكان الجميع تغيير الغه التي يريد وكذالك تعيين الوقت والتاريخ لنقطة البداء للعد
ضع هذا الكود بين وسمي ال <head>
<style style="text/css"> .lcdstyle{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ background-color:black; color:yellow; font: bold 18px MS Sans Serif; padding: 3px; } .lcdstyle sup{ /*Example CSS to create LCD countdown look*/ font-size: 80% } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /*********************************************** * Dynamic Countdown script- © Dynamic Drive ( * This notice MUST stay intact for legal use * Visit for this script and 100s more. ***********************************************/ function cdtime(container, targetdate){ if (!document.getElementById || !document.getElementById(container)) return this.container=document.getElementById(container) this.currentTime=new Date() this.targetdate=new Date(targetdate) this.timesup=false this.updateTime() } cdtime.prototype.updateTime=function(){ var thisobj=this this.currentTime.setSeconds(this.currentTime.getSe conds()+1) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.updateTime()}, 1000) //update time every second } cdtime.prototype.displaycountdown=function(baseuni t, functionref){ this.baseunit=baseunit this.formatresults=functionref this.showresults() } cdtime.prototype.showresults=function(){ var thisobj=this var timediff=(this.targetdate-this.currentTime)/1000 //difference btw target date and current date, in seconds if (timediff<0){ //if time is up this.timesup=true this.container.innerHTML=this.formatresults() return } var oneMinute=60 //minute unit in seconds var oneHour=60*60 //hour unit in seconds var oneDay=60*60*24 //day unit in seconds var dayfield=Math.floor(timediff/oneDay) var hourfield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay)/oneHour) var minutefield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay-hourfield*oneHour)/oneMinute) var secondfield=Math.floor((timediff-dayfield*oneDay-hourfield*oneHour-minutefield*oneMinute)) if (this.baseunit=="hours"){ //if base unit is hours, set "hourfield" to be topmost level hourfield=dayfield*24+hourfield dayfield="n/a" } else if (this.baseunit=="minutes"){ //if base unit is minutes, set "minutefield" to be topmost level minutefield=dayfield*24*60+hourfield*60+minutefiel d dayfield=hourfield="n/a" } else if (this.baseunit=="seconds"){ //if base unit is seconds, set "secondfield" to be topmost level var secondfield=timediff dayfield=hourfield=minutefield="n/a" } this.container.innerHTML=this.formatresults(dayfie ld, hourfield, minutefield, secondfield) setTimeout(function(){thisobj.showresults()}, 1000) //update results every second } /////CUSTOM FORMAT OUTPUT FUNCTIONS BELOW////////////////////////////// //Create your own custom format function to pass into cdtime.displaycountdown() //Use arguments[0] to access "Days" left //Use arguments[1] to access "Hours" left //Use arguments[2] to access "Minutes" left //Use arguments[3] to access "Seconds" left //The values of these arguments may change depending on the "baseunit" parameter of cdtime.displaycountdown() //For example, if "baseunit" is set to "hours", arguments[0] becomes meaningless and contains "n/a" //For example, if "baseunit" is set to "minutes", arguments[0] and arguments[1] become meaningless etc function formatresults(){ if (this.timesup==false){//if target date/time not yet met var displaystring=arguments[0]+" days "+arguments[1]+" hours "+arguments[2]+" minutes "+arguments[3]+" seconds left until March 23, 2009 18:25:00" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="Future date is here!" } return displaystring } function formatresults2(){ if (this.timesup==false){ //if target date/time not yet met var displaystring="<span class='lcdstyle'>"+arguments[0]+" <sup>days</sup> "+arguments[1]+" <sup>hours</sup> "+arguments[2]+" <sup>minutes</sup> "+arguments[3]+" <sup>seconds</sup></span> left until this Christmas" } else{ //else if target date/time met var displaystring="" //Don't display any text alert("Christmas is here!") //Instead, perform a custom alert } return displaystring } </script>
وضع هذا الكود بين وسمي <body>
<div id="countdowncontainer"></div> <br /> <div id="countdowncontainer2"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var futuredate=new cdtime("countdowncontainer", "March 23, 2009 18:25:00") futuredate.displaycountdown("days", formatresults) var currentyear=new Date().getFullYear() //dynamically get this Christmas' year value. If Christmas already passed, then year=current year+1 var thischristmasyear=(new Date().getMonth()>=11 && new Date().getDate()>25)? currentyear+1 : currentyear var christmas=new cdtime("countdowncontainer2", "December 25, "+thischristmasyear+" 0:0:00") christmas.displaycountdown("days", formatresults2) </script>
مع تغيير اللغة الى ما يلزمك وكذلك تغيير التاريخ