رحيل المشاعر
02-16-2023, 10:44 PM
كل ما نمر به سيمضي.
Everything we go through will pass.
الحديث مع الله مريح.
Talking to God is comfortable.
هناك من يصغون إليك.
There are those who listen to you.
أصنع هيبتك في أفعالك.
Create your prestige in your actions.
عدو الأنسان تفكيره.
The enemy of man is his thinking.
تجاوز كل شعور مُر.
Transcend every bitter feeling.
الأحلام خلقت لتحقق.
Dreams are made to come true.
كُوني سند لأجل من تحبِ.
Be a bond for the one you love.
إبتسمِ دائماً وإياكِ أن تحزنِ.
Always smile and never be sad.
هناك من يضاء بك.
There is someone who lights you up.
https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/images/like_share/share.gif (https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/showthread.php?t=289255#)
https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/images/like_share/like.png (https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/showthread.php?t=289255#)
Everything we go through will pass.
الحديث مع الله مريح.
Talking to God is comfortable.
هناك من يصغون إليك.
There are those who listen to you.
أصنع هيبتك في أفعالك.
Create your prestige in your actions.
عدو الأنسان تفكيره.
The enemy of man is his thinking.
تجاوز كل شعور مُر.
Transcend every bitter feeling.
الأحلام خلقت لتحقق.
Dreams are made to come true.
كُوني سند لأجل من تحبِ.
Be a bond for the one you love.
إبتسمِ دائماً وإياكِ أن تحزنِ.
Always smile and never be sad.
هناك من يضاء بك.
There is someone who lights you up.
https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/images/like_share/share.gif (https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/showthread.php?t=289255#)
https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/images/like_share/like.png (https://www.3b8-y.com/vb/showthread.php?t=289255#)