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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : البرنامج الرائع فى تحرير الصور واستعراضها بمزاياه الرائعه ACDSee Pro 8.1.270

مروان ساهر
01-04-2015, 04:00 PM
ACDsee Pro 8.1.270



ACDSee Pro 8 is a complete photo editor and photo management solution. Designed for professional photographers and advanced amateurs who shoot DSLR and work with RAW files, ACDSee Pro 8 offers a state-of-the art RAW processor for non-destructive photo editing and RAW image conversion. With Manage, View, Develop, Edit and Online modes, it is the only solution that allows photographers to carry out all essential tasks of the photography workflow and digital asset management (DAM) in one place. ACDSee Pro 8 quickly gets you back to doing what you do best: shooting amazing photographs. Achieve total control of your photography workflow and get back behind the lens faster with ACDSee Pro 8. The program is built to help you save time in all the key steps of your workflow.
Each of the four ACDSee Pro modes – Manage, View, Develop, Edit, Online – groups the tools that you commonly use during that particular step of your workflow. Create stunning HDR images – LCE (Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) single-exposure HDR algorithms powering Pro’s Lighting tool accurately and intelligently stretch the dynamic range of your photos, making them incredibly realistic or atmospheric. Target shadows, midtones or highlights for lightening or darkening with the Dodge and Burn tool, or selectively add vibrance, saturate or desaturate areas of interest.
ACDSee Pro’s Develop mode is your non-destructive workshop where you can process your RAW images and apply non-destructive adjustments to your JPG and TIFF files. With the flexibility of ACDSee Pro’s non-destructive editing, you’ll arrive at your desired result quickly and safely. See incredibly accurate default color, contrast and exposure right from the start of your RAW processing workflow. A wide RGB color gamut preserves your camera’s vibrant colors for true-to-life representation. With color management control, you can be confident that what you’re previewing reflects the desired color and tone of your RAW conversion.
Get the correct white balance, color, exposure and tonal distribution for your images in Develop mode. Add vibrance while protecting skin tones, and adjust saturation, brightness and hue on a color-by-color basis. Fine tune tonal distribution with the combined Tone Curves and Levels tool. Avoid color clipping during RAW conversion by leveraging your image’s histogram. A new user-controlled edge detection mask slider lets you focus the sharpening effect more to edges and textures without amplifying any pre-existing noise in areas with little detail


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X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/BQ1)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/hBf)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/Bjf)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/tOA)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/tSD)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/JhZ)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/2Kb)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/u8f)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/z5Q)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/KQg)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/gSE)

X32: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/cEj)
X64: DOWNLOAD (http://www.netbladi.com/DRs)

اميرة الاحساس
01-10-2015, 01:51 AM
يعطيك ربي ألف عافيه رووووعه كثير
بإنتظار جديدك بكل شوق.

01-10-2015, 02:55 PM
تحية إبدآع متوآصلْل
أحييكـ على روحـكـ آلعطرة
كآن لي بصمـة إعجآب بين طيآت صفحتكـ
مع بآقة ورد
أنتظر آلقآدم بشوق
ودي قبل ردي

طيف الامل
01-10-2015, 07:59 PM
كل الشكر على هذا الطرح الراقي .. والرائع
لك من الشكر أجزله .. ومن الورد أعطره ..
لك أرق واعطر التحايا ..
دمت/ي بحفظ الرحمن
*** طيف الامل ***

01-11-2015, 08:51 PM

طرحُ جميل ورآئع~

سلمت يدآك


01-12-2015, 05:58 AM
سلمت يدآك على روعة الطرح
وسلم لنآ ذوقك الراقي على جمال الاختيار ..
لك ولحضورك الجميل كل الشكر والتقدير ..
اسأل البآري لك سعآدة دائمة ..
ودي وتقديري لسموك

01-12-2015, 09:54 PM
يسلموو على روعة طرحك
ربي يعطيك العافية

سراج المحبة
01-16-2015, 06:36 PM
دائما التميز لكم عنوان ..
اقدم باقة من الورود يفوح منها كل تقدير..
رسالتك كانت واضحة تحمل بطياتها اجمل المعانى واعذبها ..
تحاياي الجوري لسموك ..
