رحيل المشاعر
09-25-2019, 05:24 AM
يُعد البرزنتيشن Presentation هو أحد أهم الوسائل التعليمية التي تُساعد في توصيل مجموعة من الأفكار المحددة عن أي موضوع إلى مجموعة من المتعلمين ، ويحتاج الطلاب في الكثير من الأوقات إلى إعداد برزنتيشن بالانجليزي يتحدث عن السعادة والأمل والتفاؤل باللغة الإنجليزية أو إعداد برزنتيشن عن السعودية بطريقة عرض مُحددة تعتمد على وجود مُقدمة وموضوع إلى جانب الخاتمة النهائية للعرض ، كما يُوجد عدد كبير من البرامج التي يمكن استخدامها في عمل العروض التقديمية (البرزنتيشن) مثل برنامج مايكروسوفت باوربوينت وغيرهم .
عرض برزنتيشن عن السعادة بالانجليزي
هناك ثلاثة أجزاء يتم بناء العروض التقديمية بشكل عام على أساسها وعند إنشاء برزنتيشن عن السعادة ، يجب أن يكون على النحو التالي :
مُقدمة عن السعادة
Happiness is an important feeling which helps us in judging our life completely , it also supports our health and helps in getting rid of depression and disorders.
There are many studies that approved that each feeling whether happy or unhappy result mainly from the person’s thoughts and reactions toward different life situations.
عرض تقديمي عن السعادة
There is more than one type of Happiness, as in the following lines :
-Short Term Happiness : this Happiness last for a short period of time, such as meeting a person you love, success in your exam and so on.
-Long Term Happiness : in this type of Happiness your good and happy feeling last for a long period of time, such as marrying the man you love, hiring in a job you prefer … etc.
You must know that living in a happy life is your decision, and to achieve this; you have to give great internal and external efforts, and there are many ways which will help everyone in being happy persons through many Happiness sources , Such as:
-Try to be very close to positive and happy people and go away from the people who put you always in worry and disorders.
-Try to get some things that make you happy whether certain foods, clothes, friends, reading books…. etc.
-Don’t spend all your time in work, and give importance to your breaks and rest times
-doing exercises will help in maintaining a healthy body and it helps also in enhancing blood circulation and ridding the feeling of depression, and if you don’t have time to do exercises; you can stroll for 15 minutes only every day.
-help others, and put useful life goals for yourself and for humanity, because the feeling of being a positive person will play a great role in making you happy.
putting one plan for any event in your life is the most cause of sadness because, in the case of failure, you will be depressed, so try seriously to put at least two plan for everything you do and return to this alternative plan in the case of the failure in the first plan.
خاتمة برزنتيشن عن السعادة
As a conclusion; you must know that your life belongs to you alone, so, anyway try to be happy all the time by yourself and don’t depend on others in making your happiness
عرض برزنتيشن عن السعادة بالانجليزي
هناك ثلاثة أجزاء يتم بناء العروض التقديمية بشكل عام على أساسها وعند إنشاء برزنتيشن عن السعادة ، يجب أن يكون على النحو التالي :
مُقدمة عن السعادة
Happiness is an important feeling which helps us in judging our life completely , it also supports our health and helps in getting rid of depression and disorders.
There are many studies that approved that each feeling whether happy or unhappy result mainly from the person’s thoughts and reactions toward different life situations.
عرض تقديمي عن السعادة
There is more than one type of Happiness, as in the following lines :
-Short Term Happiness : this Happiness last for a short period of time, such as meeting a person you love, success in your exam and so on.
-Long Term Happiness : in this type of Happiness your good and happy feeling last for a long period of time, such as marrying the man you love, hiring in a job you prefer … etc.
You must know that living in a happy life is your decision, and to achieve this; you have to give great internal and external efforts, and there are many ways which will help everyone in being happy persons through many Happiness sources , Such as:
-Try to be very close to positive and happy people and go away from the people who put you always in worry and disorders.
-Try to get some things that make you happy whether certain foods, clothes, friends, reading books…. etc.
-Don’t spend all your time in work, and give importance to your breaks and rest times
-doing exercises will help in maintaining a healthy body and it helps also in enhancing blood circulation and ridding the feeling of depression, and if you don’t have time to do exercises; you can stroll for 15 minutes only every day.
-help others, and put useful life goals for yourself and for humanity, because the feeling of being a positive person will play a great role in making you happy.
putting one plan for any event in your life is the most cause of sadness because, in the case of failure, you will be depressed, so try seriously to put at least two plan for everything you do and return to this alternative plan in the case of the failure in the first plan.
خاتمة برزنتيشن عن السعادة
As a conclusion; you must know that your life belongs to you alone, so, anyway try to be happy all the time by yourself and don’t depend on others in making your happiness